We mean it when we say continual

We actively support the continual professional development of all Ayrshire and Arran GP’s with regular events throughout the year. Learning logs are also available to capture learning during the event and the necessary reflection for appraisals. Many are also recorded and available on our CPD Channel on Teams. To gain access to these please contact one of the local NES associate advisors for CPD below:

Chris Black (Chris.Black@aapct.scot.nhs.uk)  

Alexia Pellowe alexia.pellowe@nhs.scot 

Twitter: @alexiapellowe

Both of our advisors work with the Primary Care Management Team (PCMT) to support Continuing Professional Development locally. Since the pandemic and in response to learning needs from local GPs a new online “CPD Bitesize” format has been developed. Invited speakers present on relevant GP content for up to 25 minutes on Teams and have a 5 minute facilitated Q&A session. Topics and speakers are suggested by attendees in advance and the programme runs fortnightly on Thursdays 12.30-1pm avoiding holiday periods when annual leave is likely to be higher. To support those with other working patterns and commitments these meetings are recorded with consent of the speaker and saved by topic in the Teams Channel “GP CPD Bitesize” which is accessible without charge to all Ayrshire GPs. The evaluation of this programme has shown it to increase the knowledge of GPs, provide relevant educational content, improve the primary and secondary care interface and lead to quality improvement activities for practices. 

Peer review of Audit and Learning Events Analysis

GPs working in NHS Ayrshire and Arran can have their Audits and Learning Event Analysis peer reviewed free of charge under an arrangement that NHS Ayrshire and Arran has with NHS Education for Scotland. The audit or LEA should be sent to: june.morrison@nes.scot.nhs.uk

The accompanying email should advise that this is to be reviewed under the Ayrshire and Arran scheme. 

For anyone looking for more information on NHS Education for Scotland Quality Improvement opportunities and resources for GPs, practices and clusters please contact the patient safety and improvement associate advisor at NES alexia.pellowe@nhs.scot for up to date information.

Career Development

We know how critical the decision of where to live and work is for any newly qualified GP establishing their professional and personal path in life. Especially important are those formative years as you settle your working situation and your plans for life outside it.

In Ayrshire and Arran we love the team atmosphere and believe in helping each other out. It’s why throughout this site you’ll find people you can email for first class support and advice and if you’re ever in any doubt of whom to contact we have a form you can use and we’ll direct your email to the right person.

We’ll support you, not only during those critical career periods of your first and last five years, but throughout your career as you consolidate your experience and consider which new challenges you’d like to undertake. LMC Ayrshire and Arran is a fundamental partner for you along the way, working hard to create a stronger area society of General Practitioners and we want you to reach out.